Interesting Clubs
Every Tuesday in the Main Hall, starting at 10:00 am. The ladies make quilts for the needy. Come down and learn how to sew quilts, socialize and make new friends. Everyone is helpful and willing to teach you the skills needed in quilting. Come down and join the group and have some fun learning a new skill.
Needlework Club
We do Knitting, Embroidery or Crocheting in a Social Atmosphere
We Meet Every Thursday @ 9:00 am - 11:30 am in the Board Room
Participants bring their own personal projects. Whether its knitting, crocheting or embroidery. The meeting is a very informal social visit. If you are having a problem with your project, there is always someone with helpful advice whether it's knitting, embroidery or crocheting. Come on down and join us for your social event of the week and don't forget to bring your project.
For further information please contact Bob or Sharon Kinahan @ 780-939-3011
Sew Days
Do you like to Quilt or Sew?
Come Quilt or Sew with us, and bring your machine or handiwork.
Sew Days are held on th first Fridays of each Month.
Special Sew Day Retreats are also held at Various Times of the Year. Check on the monthly Calendar for the times for these Special Sew Days.
For further information and to let us know that you plan on attending
Please Contact: Louise Kluthe 780 915 5783